Navigating the Post-BFCM Landscape: What to do after the big weekend

Just like how Santa’s elves work year-round to create a magical holiday season, keep working to make your customers stay and enjoy the holiday vibes even after the big sales event.

October 31, 2023
Navigating the Post-BFCM Landscape: What to do after the big weekend

After a super successful Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale that brought in $$ from both loyal customers and new ones, you might be feeling really excited but a little unsure about what steps to take next.

Just like how Santa’s elves work year-round to create a magical holiday season, keep working to make your customers stay and enjoy the holiday vibes even after the big sales event. Here's a guide through the aftermath of the BFCM sale.

Analyze performance 

Analyze your store’s performance post-BFCM to check what worked and what didn't. Look over how effective your marketing strategies were during the BFCM sale. This could help you make data-driven decisions for future marketing strategies. 

If your store faced any issues or bugs during the BFCM sale through analysis you could identify the problem and optimize your website. 

Analyzing post-BFCM performance is an opportunity to learn from your successes and challenges, adapt your approach, and continuously improve your business's overall effectiveness.

Restock inventory and send back-in-stock emails

In the world of retail, running out of stock is like running low on holiday cheer - it just won't do!. Restock your inventory with items that were sold out or items that were in great demand. Send tailored back-in-stock email campaigns to those who have been checking on products to restock. 

Boost retention with follow-up communication

Keep the magic going even after the BFCM sale. Thank your consumers who purchased from you during the sale. Send personalized emails to connect on a deeper level. Make your consumers feel valued and appreciated.

You could also send them a survey to collect their feedback on their overall shopping experience a few weeks post-BFCM sales. Include personalized recommendations for complementary or upgraded products that align with the customer's recent purchase. These recommendations can be part of post-purchase emails and provide additional value to customers.

Prepare for holiday sales that are not Christmas

Holiday sales are more than just Christmas cheers, BFCM leads you into a whole new series of holidays such as Hanukkah, winter solstice, new years Eve, or any holidays that resonate with your consumers. For example, if you have a bakery you could provide offers on national cookie day(December 4th). Design promotions that tie into the chosen holiday's themes or sentiments. This could include discounts, bundle deals, free gifts, or limited-time offers. Ensure that your promotions provide genuine value to your customers.

Refresh your store and start preparing for your next campaign  

Now that the chaotic sale is finally over and the dust has settled, it's time to re-customize your website to focus on other holidays. Remove BFCM-related banners, plug-ins and pop-ups. Update your homepage according to your upcoming campaign, change the layout to your home page, and update product displays and prices. Change CTAs that go with the theme of your store.

Budget review 

Review your total budget spent during your BFCM, get insights on the ROI, and see where you could improve. Use the insights gained from the budget review to adjust your budget for upcoming campaigns. Invest more in strategies that performed well and re-evaluate those that didn't. 

Unsold inventory strategies 

Maximize the value of unsold products in your inventory post-BFCM sale. You can create a special deal where if a customer buys something, they can get the unsold item at a very low price.

Create a limited-period clearance sale to generate urgency and FOMO among your consumers.  

You could also cross-sell your product by bundling it with other products that customers purchase. Highlight how much they would be saving. 

So now you know that the magic doesn't fade after a crazy BFCM sale. make use of these post-BFCM strategies as a chance to reflect on successes and setbacks. The post-BFCM phase isn't just about business, it's about making each interaction a memorable experience for your customers.


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