How we use Canva and Figma to design A-class emails

Canva and Figma are like two sides of the same coin, well in this case, email design. While one lets you complete the whole design, the other lets you slice it up to add links to each sections.

March 25, 2024
How we use Canva and Figma to design A-class emails

When my brain finally picks up on a design idea after scrolling for god knows how long, I head to Canva and start materializing that design. I go for a 600px x 3200px template, but feel free to mess around with the size.

Now, the design I cook up might not match with my initial vision of it, but Canva's huge creative library helps me find the missing pieces of my email design puzzle.

Once the email is cooked well and I have it as a png, Figma steps in. I create a Frame of the same size (600 × 3200) and place the email on it. The Frame is optional but I like to have it since it keeps the board and layers clean.

It's time to start chopping up the email with the Slice tool (press S to activate it). This is a game changer when you have CTA's in different parts of the email, or when you have multiple products in your email. Once you have the slices, select them and export.

Now, all there's left to do is serve my gourmet email to Forward's email builder, and schedule the campaign.

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